Transfer of Title Deed in Thailand

Transfer of Title Deed in Thailand


The transfer of a title deed is a pivotal step in real estate transactions around the world, and Thailand is no exception. As a country known for its beautiful landscapes and thriving real estate market, understanding the process of transferring a title deed in Thailand is essential for any property investor or buyer. In this article, we will provide a detailed guide on how to navigate the Transfer of Title Deed process in Thailand.

Understanding Title Deeds in Thailand

In Thailand, land is classified into different categories, each with its own set of regulations and restrictions. The most common forms of land ownership for foreigners are leasehold and freehold. Leasehold grants the right to use the land for a specified period, while freehold allows ownership of the land and any structures on it.

Key Parties Involved

  1. Seller: The current owner of the property who is transferring the title deed.
  2. Buyer: The individual or entity acquiring the property.
  3. Land Department: The government agency responsible for overseeing land transactions in Thailand.
  4. Lawyer or Legal Advisor: Engaging a local legal professional is highly recommended to navigate the legal intricacies of the transfer process.

Steps in the Transfer of Title Deed

  1. Preliminary Agreement:
    • Before the actual transfer, a preliminary agreement or contract is often drawn up. This outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the purchase price, deposit, and any contingencies.
  2. Due Diligence and Verification:
    • Both parties, with the assistance of legal advisors, conduct due diligence to verify the legality and ownership of the property. This includes examining the title deed, land use regulations, and any encumbrances.
  3. Full Payment and Settlement:
    • Once due diligence is complete, the buyer makes the full payment to the seller. The payment is typically made through a bank transfer, and it’s crucial to ensure that all financial transactions are properly documented.
  4. Transfer at the Land Department:
    • The official transfer of the title deed takes place at the local Land Department office. Both parties, along with their legal representatives, must be present. The seller will transfer the title to the buyer in the presence of a Land Department official.
  5. Transfer Fees and Taxes:
    • The buyer is responsible for paying the transfer fees, which are usually a percentage of the assessed value of the property. Additionally, any applicable taxes must be settled at this stage.
  6. Issuance of New Title Deed:
    • After the transfer, a new title deed reflecting the buyer’s ownership is issued. This document serves as legal proof of ownership.
  7. Updating Utilities and Services:
    • The buyer should ensure that utility services (such as water, electricity, and internet) are transferred to their name.

Considerations and Tips

  • Engage a Local Legal Advisor: Engaging a local lawyer or legal advisor with expertise in Thai real estate law is crucial for a smooth and legally sound transaction.
  • Check for Encumbrances: Thoroughly examine the title deed for any encumbrances or restrictions that may affect the property’s use or ownership.
  • Ensure Proper Documentation: Maintain a comprehensive record of all documents, contracts, and receipts related to the transaction.


Navigating the Transfer of Title Deed in Thailand is a pivotal step in property ownership. By understanding the process, engaging legal professionals, and conducting due diligence, buyers can embark on their property journey with confidence. This article serves as a general guide and does not replace professional legal advice. Engage qualified local experts to ensure that your title deed transfer aligns with Thai regulations and safeguards your property rights effectively.

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